The American Society of Magical Negroes is a fresh, satirical comedy about a young man, Aren, who is recruited into a secret society of magical Black people who dedicate their lives to a cause of utmost importance: making white people's lives easier.
Physical Description:1 videodisc (104 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Edition:Collector's edition.
Publisher:Universal City, CA :Universal,[2024]
General Note:
Originally released as a motion picture in 2024.
Wide screen (1.85:1).
Special features: Secret society members; Crafting a magical society; Speaking your truth; Feature commentary with director/writer/producer Kobi Libii.
Creation/Production Credits Note:
Music, Michael Abels ; editor, Brian Olds ; director of photography, Doug Emmett.
Participant or Performer Note:
Justice Smith, David Alan Grier, An-Li Bogan, Drew Tarver, Michaela Watkins, Aisha Hinds, Tim Baltz, Rupert Friend, Nicole Byer.
Target Audience Note:
CHV Rating: PG.
MPAA rating: PG-13; for some strong language, suggestive material and thematic material.